
I enjoy visiting Christmas Markets and I hope you will find one you will enjoy visiting.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Pipe Organs at German Christmas Markets

There are many famous pipe organs in Germany, and many are located in cathedrals. Since the Christmas Markets are usually right outside the cathedral, you might be able to hear some of the famous organs when you are done shopping.

If you want to attend a service, check the front of the cathedral, inside the door. Look around a little bit, as usually the time of services is clearly posted. Of course, then you will be able to hear the organ. Some churches also sell CD's of their organ at their gift shops, which make an easy to carry souvenir which you can enjoy for many years.

At Pipe Dreams, there are links to almost all the famous pipe organs of Germany. You can see the list of famous organs, see pictures of the organs, and listen to actual music of the organs of Germany by clicking here.


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